Safety Products

Model #311-L3


The Model 311-L3 State-of-the-Art Decon Shelter is a pre-assembled, all weather, rapid deployed shelter. The Model 311-L3 comes pre-plumbed with a four lane Decon System with independent Decon and Rinse Showers. The four lanes come with four-step privacy shower curtains that are pre-installed in this system. Deploy in two to four minutes and process up to 120 walking casualties an hour. This shelter comes with multiple utility ducts, two laundry ports, and removable curtains. The Model 311-L3 is a great choice when dealing with mass-casualty decon, are in need of a command center, it can be used as a triage stage of a surge center, rehabilitation tent, or an isolation chamber.


Width (interior)
Height (interior)
Floor Space
Width (exterior)
Height (exterior)
Deployment Space
Stored Length
Stored Width
Stored Height
Stored Cubic Size
Average Set-Up Time
Approximate Wind Resistance
Approximate Roof Load
Roof Load per Unit Measure
21 Feet
14 Feet 8 Inches
8 Feet
311 Square Feet
16 Feet 5 Inches
8 Feet 7 Inches
347 Square Feet
230 Pounds
48 Inches
22 Inches
22 Inches
13 Cubic Feet
~4 Minutes
60 Miles per Hour
1900 Pounds
6.9 Pounds per Square Foot